A Chili Death: A Classic Diner Mystery

A Chili Death: A Classic Diner Mystery by Jessica Beck Page A

Book: A Chili Death: A Classic Diner Mystery by Jessica Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Beck
directions, and I knew that we’d have no trouble finding it.
    “Good,” I said.  “We’ll do that.  Is there anything else I should know before I go stumbling blindly around looking for information?”
    “Well, folks around here are pretty willing to chat, especially if they know why they’re being asked questions.  Women in particular might be your best bet.”  It was clear she was straining to stay within her boundaries, and still somehow help us.  This was the kind of woman I liked.
    “Do you happen to know Rebecca Davis?” I asked on a whim.  “She’s an attorney in Jasper Fork.”
    “We’ve never met, but I’ve heard good things about her,” Monica said.
    “You should look her up when you get the chance.  She’s my best friend, and I have a feeling that the two of you would get along just fine.”
    “I’ll make it a point,” she said.  “I wish I could do more, Victoria, but I’m afraid I can’t say much else.”
    “I totally get it,” I said as I offered her my hand again.  “Monica, it was a pleasure to meet you.”
    “The same, right back at you.  And don’t forget, I’m on retainer now, so if you need me, I’m just a phone call away.”
    I thought she was half joking, but I accepted the offered card from her just the same.  While I had Rebecca to handle any jams I might find myself in, it couldn’t hurt having another attorney on my side if I needed her.
    “You should come by our diner sometime and I’ll treat you to a free meal,” I said.
    “I might just take you up on it.  What’s it called?”
    “The Charming Moose,” I said, “all evidence you’ve seen so far to the contrary.”
    “Oh, I can believe he’s charming enough when he puts his mind to it.  I’ll see you there sometime, Victoria.”
    “Until then,” I said and walked out of her office. 
    As I was tucking the receipt and her business card into my handbag, Moose was leaning against the side of his truck. 
    He asked, “What took you so long?”
    “I was having a nice conversation with Monica,” I admitted.
    “So, the M stands for Monica.  I really botched that one up, didn’t I?”
    “You did fine,” I said as I patted my grandfather’s shoulder.  “I think you helped break the ice with your bluster, and when you left, she and I had a nice little conversation.”
    “What did she say?”
    “I’d tell you,” I said as I got the receipt out, “but I’m afraid that it’s covered under attorney-client privilege now.”
    “You hired her?” he asked incredulously.
    “I did.”
    I retrieved the receipt and offered it to him.  He took it gingerly from me, shook his head when he saw the amount I’d paid, and then handed the paper back to me.  “Are you sure you got what you paid for?”
    “Are you questioning my judgment?” I asked him.
    “What?  No, of course not.  I’m sure you did what you thought was right.  So, was she any help at all?”
    “She advised us in a roundabout way that we might have some luck if we go to the BBQ Pit.  It’s two blocks over and one down.”
    “You don’t have to tell me where it is.  Charlie and I go way back, if the old scoundrel is still running things there.”
    “Moose, we’re not going to have a repeat of what just happened, are we?”
    “Victoria, you might be better with lawyers than I am, but I can handle anyone from a fry cook to the head chef if I need to.  It doesn’t matter what we cook; we all speak the same language.  If there’s any information here to be had about Howard Lance, I’ll get it.”
    “Well, if nothing else, I admire your confidence,” I said with a laugh as we got into the truck and drove over to the BBQ Pit.


Chapter 8
    “Charlie, you old horse thief.  Don’t tell me you’re still hanging around this joint after all these years.”
    “Moose, when did you get out of jail?” he asked my grandfather with a grin.
    “They’ve never been smart enough to catch me,” he replied,

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