United States,
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Fascism & Totalitarianism,
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Political Freedom & Security - Terrorism,
September 11 Terrorist Attacks,
Social Studies: General,
Political Ideologies - Fascism & Totalitarianism
You’re under arrest for resisting arrest, obstruction of
justice, and assault on a police officer.
I did not assault you.
Note: Think about our priorities in America. At a warrantless, Fourth Amendment-violating checkpoint, they pull over a housewife with no criminal record. When she simply doesn’t want to get out of her car, they grab her and charge her with assaulting them.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can
and will be used against you in court. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have him present while you are
being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney,
one will be appointed to represent you without any cost to
you if you desire one. Do you understand these rights as
they have been read to you? [She doesn’t answer.] Do you
understand your rights as they have been read to you? [She
still does not answer, and is then led to the police car and taken into custody.]
Note: They are not concerned with our borders being wide open or the tens of millions of containers coming in each year that aren’t even searched. Instead, they are worried about a woman on the side of the road and what she’s reading, thinking, and doing. This is the first-generation thought police right here in the United States. This type of activity is un-American. These officers should be ashamed of themselves.
Here’s where things really get interesting as they begin to dig through her car and find what they consider subversive material:
Trooper 1:
[Searching car] Strategies of Submarine Warfare. Hidden
Trooper 2:
Man, she’s into this weird crap.
Trooper 1:
Power Plays. Ruthless.com. The Bear and the Dragon.
Patriot Games.
Trooper 1:
I might as well get a record started.
Trooper 2:
Do you want to ask her, or do you just want to get the next
Trooper 1:
Just get the next one. She’s invoked her right to remain
silent, even though she don’t believe in our laws.
“Even though she don’t believe in our laws.” No, trooper, it’s you who doesn’t know our laws. You’re the one who is overthrowing our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Our country was founded on people not being stopped like criminals and being searched. The Fourth Amendment States: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects, shall not be violated, an no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Trooper 1:
You won’t believe all this paraphernalia in here. I mean,
look at this clipboard right here. Comment Upon Voluntary Nature of Social Security. It’s a whole riot act about why you don’t have to have a Social Security card.
Trooper 2:
She’s just anti-government, isn’t she?
Trooper 1:
She apparently belongs to some kind of Klan, or
something. Dixieland Law. General Constitution Society. I
mean, . . .
Anti-government? A member of the Klan? For knowing her Constitutional rights? For being a member of the Constitutional Society? The attitudes and statements of these police officers show that the FBI training of our police has really paid off.
Note: As you read this conversation between troopers discussing anti-government paraphanelia in Abby newman’s car, be aware they are referring to its contents, which include several pocket Constitutions, one of my Police State 2000 videos, the Harrison Ford movie, Patriot Games, and more.
Trooper 1:
I mean . . . this is . . .
Trooper 2:
She’s definitely studied on it, hasn’t she?
Trooper 1:
I’m telling you. What is the truth?
Trooper 2:
I’m wondering if we can keep that for any reason.
Trooper 1:
Is it evidence of a crime? You know, is it evidence of a
crime? If it relates back to obstruction of justice, I would say yes.
Trooper 2:
I would think obstruction of justice is . .
Patrick Robinson
Lynne Truss
Christian Kiefer
L.C. Giroux
Richter Watkins
Wendy Suzuki
Katie Oliver
Vannetta Chapman
W.C. Hoffman
Andrew Crumey