60 Minutes
against a desk.
    “Melanie, call Camille and tell her she needs to come see me in the next hour or two about some business I need her to tend to.” Jani’rah said into the phone to her assistant.
    “Right on top of it. Is there anything else you need me to do before I go to lunch Madame J?” Melanie said.
    “Just bring me back those new accounts so I can figure out which girls to send on the job tomorrow.” Jani’rah said as she disconnected the call. For the past week, business had been going crazy with new clients. Things were hectic as Madame J tried to keep her supply in line with demand. She sat back in her leather chair and closed her eyes thinking about the day when she would finally be able to take a vacation to get away from work for a while.
    “Here are the files you asked for.” Melanie said as she walked into Jani’rah’s office. Without opening her eyes, Jani’rah instructed her to put them on her desk. “I called Camille. She said she was already on this side of town about to head to a client, so she’ll be over in about twenty minutes. I’m headed over to Red Lobster for some lunch; want something?”
    This was why Jani’rah loved having an assistant like Melanie, because she didn’t always think about just herself, she was always looking out for others as well. “I’m fine. I’ll just get something on my way home, but thanks anyway.” Jani’rah said and turned her chair around hoping that Melanie would get the picture that she wanted to be alone.
    “Alright. See you in an hour.”
    Being that she didn’t have much work to do, Jani’rah sat back and thought about life before she had started her business. Who would have ever thought that a simple case of heartbreak would be the beginning of a multimillion-dollar business? Her mind flashed back to what seemed like a different time and place.
    “Ma, I’ll be back in a minute. Daniel just called and said he had something important to tell me,” seventeen-year-old Jani’rah said with the biggest smile on her face. She hoped that he was going to finally ask her to the senior prom. Yes, they were an item and going to the prom together was a given for them, but Jani’rah made it known to him that she wanted an official invite and she wanted it to be special.
    “Alright, but make sure you’re back before dinner. You know how your father is when his princess is out late.” Jani’rah’s mother knew that her daughter would be coming back home nearly broken after talking to Daniel, because she knew exactly what he had to talk to Jani’rah about. She just prayed that Jani’rah would one day understand.
    As Jani’rah got closer she could see two big storage units outside of Daniel’s house. “What the hell is going on out here?” she said out loud to no one in general. Walking to the door, she saw two large men walking out of the house with big boxes. Confused, Jani’rah walked in the house and called out to Daniel. “Daniel, Daniel, where are you?”
    Hearing her, Daniel came running down the stairs. He looked into her eyes with the saddest face she had ever seen. He walked over to her.
    “Baby, please don’t be too upset with me because I just found out myself.” Daniel said as he guided her to the kitchen. Taking a seat at the table, Jani’rah had already put two and two together and figured out Daniel was moving; but she was okay with it because she didn’t think he would be going anywhere too far away. “It’s like this…my dad was just hired for a new electrician’s job. They paying for our move, it’s just that…” there was a long pause, “it’s in Atlanta.”
    Jani’rah’s heart dropped when she heard this. “What you mean, ‘Atlanta?’ What does that mean about us?” She was crying uncontrollably.
    Daniel knew this was coming and just as hard as it was for her to accept, it was just as hard for him. “It just means that we’ll have to love each other at a distance.” Daniel said as he cradled her in

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