4: Jack - In The Pack

4: Jack - In The Pack by Carys Weldon Page A

Book: 4: Jack - In The Pack by Carys Weldon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carys Weldon
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whine, and shifted a little in her posture. I wanted to call out to her.
    But one of the losers noticed. And he got loud, irritated her. At the time, I cussed him, swore to eat him alive.
    He probably saved my ass. I’d been about ready to bound out into the open.
    That would have been stupid. It would have been hormone driven. And I needed to have my wits about me. Even with the losers on my side, and Hood calling the shots--I still had to get around a pack of bitches I didn’t know. Real hunters. Not arboretum-fed lab wolves.
    Hood showed up, with Leer. I finally got a look at him . He and Hood are opposites, I could see that straight up. In coloring, sizing--Hood’s got a few inches on him. But Leer’s wiry, must’ve been to his benefit. Must be quick, is all I could figure. That was something to file away.
    Ah. Then Kayty showed up, dragged the princess off to the den. Hood had drawn me a map, told me that he and Leer had already discussed what to do when his sister went through the change.
    Yeah, I know, by drawing me a map, Hood full-out compromised the defenses of Pack City.
    So, you have to wonder, was he really hoping for me to make the steal, or for me to fail? I mean, to fail would prove that ‘unnatural’ werewolves weren’t that smart. And, honestly, I’ve rethought it since then. Running into Pack City to steal their precious princess was fucking insane.
    The odds were obviously against an unnatural getting in and out, because there would be so many in on the hunt against him. And, I’m not sure how, but someone set off an alarm that I was skirting on the perimeter. I’m still mulling that over. I’ll get my own back, don’t you worry.
    Call it the thrill of the hunt or something, I didn’t want to turn tail and run when I heard them coming for me. Oh, the bitches were howling.
    Maybe you could call it instinct to switch back and around. Or my death wish. But I gave them a run for their money. Had them all over the place. Took a lot of joy in losing them--more than once. Definite adrenalin rush.
    Wait. Once, when it all first started, I actually stumbled into a clearing--right in front of the den. That was a ‘holy shit’ kind of moment. Kayty was at the door. Bitches all around. I couldn’t quite make out the princess, but I knew she was behind Kayty, under protection. That was the plan, and they were following it to the T.
    I took off.
    The losers and Hood were supposed to draw the bitches and Kayty off. Hood was supposed to lock his sister in a cell somewhere. I’d been looking for that. With all the excitement, I got turned around. Thus, we got fouled up somewhere.
    And I was so hyped up on the smell of the princess that I had to have her once I’d started the chase, or die trying.
    So I took off, and the bitches came after me. Talk about the hounds of hell, holy shit. I never ran so fast in my life. I knew I was setting speed records. I was hearing all sorts of things, too. Them yelling back and forth. And in the dark, when I’d stopped to breathe, think and get my bearings, I heard her . I wouldn’t say she yelped, exactly, but she whined. I picked her voice out of the crowd, and let that set my compass. Zeroed in on her.
    I found myself outside her cell, panting hard, peering in.
    That was no lupus standing there. It was a full crinos specimen of perfect breeding. I could not have been more hot for a woman than I was at that moment, with the whole pack circling back, practically breathing down my neck. Call it the thrill of being caught.
    I went through the locks without any trouble. Hood had given me the combinations, which is another one of those things that made me wonder, did he, or did he not want me to succeed? All he had to do was give me the wrong combo for the last lock.
    So, I yanked the door open and stood there, staring,

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