31 Days of Winter
left to do what I came here to do, so I sat up and blew out a deep breath and
took in another. I wasn’t going to let Dan interfere with that, no matter how
he made me feel. I went and picked up my iPad from where I’d left it next to
the bath and replied to a frantic email from Brooke telling me off for not
giving her our agreed morning message. I kept it simple, for now.
    I’m fine Brooke. I slept in, had a run and
slept some more, I promise to keep on top of keeping you updated from now on. I
hesitated, she was just going to mither me to death about Dan if I didn’t share
and I really didn’t want to deal with her pestering me about him, so I did what
I’d never done with my best friend and I lied. Nothing’s going to happen
with Dan, he told me he’s unavailable as he’s gay, it was just a stupid rebound
crush anyway, just like Zac was and look where that got me?! I’m better off
without both of them and focussing on me for now. Update you tonight. Love you,
miss you xx
    I went and sat at the desk, turned on my new charged
phone and downloaded all of my contacts before setting up some new screen
savers and wallpapers, that didn’t feature Zac. I looked up when I heard the
noise of the outboard motor start up and watched Dan heading to the shore. Damn
it, we’d never gotten around to my grocery list and I only had a bit of bread,
some cheese and a couple of eggs left and I’d really wanted alcohol to numb the
pain of rejection. I decided to go and explore the house properly and tomorrow
I’d start my proposed new career in earnest. I’d pretty much seen everything
upstairs except for the owners’ clothes. I tried the desk drawers and cupboards
but they were locked, except for the ones on the right which were open and
    I headed downstairs and realised there was no TV
in the lounge, so I wandered through to the cinema and library. I took my time
running my fingers along the spines of all the books on the shelves, they all
looked brand new, just out of their shrink wrap new. Why would someone spend
all this money on a house, install a library with this many books and not read
them? This guy was just as much a puzzle as Dan was. I could spend the next few
weeks just curled up in here, or by the fire reading. I decided that was how I
was going to spend this afternoon, there was nothing like a good book to lose
yourself in, to let yourself be transported to another world and forget about
the shit one you currently lived in. Given I could read an average book in a
few hours, I’d be able to lose myself every night. I went and got my clothes
out of the washer and put them in the dryer and realised that there was another
door to a room sandwiched between the utility and cinema room. I tried the
handle but it was locked, so I figured maybe it was just a storage room for some
of the owner’s personal effects.
    I went and made myself a bacon sandwich, leaving
some cheese and eggs and a couple of slices of bread for my dinner and tomorrow’s
breakfast and lunch, and shook my head. It was like being back home with my
parents when we’d lived off beans and cheese on toast, when a roast once a
month on a Sunday was the thing I most looked forward to. I picked up my locket,
kissed it then took my sandwich and a black coffee into the cinema room and
curled up in one of the seriously comfortable chairs and started reading. I was
halfway through the book when I had to get up and put on the lights, it was
coming up to four already. I snuggled back down and jumped out of my skin about
an hour later when I heard a loud knock at the door. I put the book down,
opened the cinema room door and peered out into the darkness of the large open
plan room and cursed when I stubbed my toe on the stairway as I tried to make
my way to the front door to find the light switches. I really needed to learn
where they all were, and if there were candles and matches in the event of a
power failure.
    I flicked on the main light and

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