20 Surprising Tips That Will Give You A Better, Happier, Healthier, Wealthier Life
winning two championships. A short-term goal is to win one
    Types of Goals to Set?
    There are several categories for goals. The
typical categories are: Personal, Family, Career, Household,
Health, Friends, Education, Spiritual, Recreation, Community, and
    What is Goal Setting?
    Goal setting is an action to achieve a
specific measurable and time targeted event or benefit. Simply it
is the process of asking, seeking, and knocking to find and receive
what you want. Goal setting establishes direction, helps you focus
and determine priorities. Goal setting establishes who you are,
what you like, what is important to you and the areas of your life
that require improvement.
    Why is Goal Setting
    Goal setting will assist you in turning your
dreams into reality. The purpose of goal setting is to organize
your dreams into a plan of action that will bring your dream to
reality. As an example, a basketball player has a dream to win a
championship. Goal setting is used to guide the direction and
determine the actions required to achieve a championship.
    Do Successful People set
    Yes. Napolean Hill who spent 20-years
of studying successful people published his results in the book
called "Think and Grow Rich". In this book Mr. Hill discusses the
secret Mr. Andrew. Carnegie used that helped over 500 people become
exceedingly wealthy.
    "First comes thought:
then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then
transformation of those plans into reality." - Napolean Hill
    Successful people know goal setting is the
right process to align your desires, determination, and skills into
an achievable result. Great leaders and entrepreneurs such as Henry
Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilbur Wright, William Howard Taft, John
D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison and many more have admitted that they
accumulated wealth through the aid of the Carnegie secret.
    Benefits of Setting
    The benefit of goal setting is a happier
you. You will avoid depression, feeling emotionally dejected or
withdrawn. You will come out of poverty, have better relationships,
more energy, increased self-esteem, a better leader, a clear
purpose in life, positive attitude and more fun and adventure. The
benefit is truly up to you.
    What are the Goal Setting
Find your Passion
Write your dream as a goal
Take Action
Make yourself accountable
Visualize yourself enjoying your goal
Measure and report your progress
    What is the Difference between
SMART Goals and Goal Setting?
    A SMART Goal is just one stepin
the entire goal setting process. Goal setting is the entire process
to accomplish your goals. Once you decide on a goal there is much
more to do.
    How many Goals do I

    How good are you at multi-tasking? The
number is up to you, but in the goal-setting book "Give Your Kid A
Fighting Chance" you will focus on 12 goals. The goals are grouped
into categories with time periods from one to ten years.
    How Successful is the Goal Setting
    Goal setting is hard work. It is not easy,
especially if you are working on a dream that is stretching you
outside of your comfort zone. All successful people have
experienced problems that, at more than one time, de-motivated them
enough to quit. Hindrances are inevitable in every successful
person's life, so you should always expect several challenges to
come your way as you try to achieve your goals.
    December of 2007 a Psychology Professor, Dr.
Gail Matthews from the Dominican University of California published
his goal setting research results. His research proves people that
write down their goals, take action, make themselves accountable,
measure and report their progress frequently achieve at least 76%
of their goals. Compared to those that do not write their goals,
only have a maximum potential of achieving 43% of their goals.
    The goal setting method that achieves at
least 76% of your goals is taught in the book "Give Your Kid A
Fighting Chance".
    Who orders Goal

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