1924: The Year That Made Hitler
clarification. He does righteous labor and it is all plain to see at http://www.buergervereinigung-landsberg.org.
    Writers need writers as friends and supporters in the sometimes daunting business of opening a new window on difficult subject matter. My indispensable circle of support includes James Reston Jr., Laurence Leamer, Roger M. Williams, Erla Zwingle, Mark Olshaker, Ann Blackman, Michael Putzel, Mark Perry, Joel Swerdlow, and Dan Moldea.
    Books arise in numerous ways. This one began with an essay in the New York Times, and I am grateful to op-ed editor Clay Risen for his help in shaping and running the piece. Nothing goes anywhere in publishing without good agents and editors, and I had both in Gail Ross and Dara Kaye, at Ross Yoon Agency, and John Parsley and Jean Garnett, at Little, Brown—all masters at guiding a writer toward the finish line.
    Finally, my efforts would still be somewhere between wishful and flailing if it were not for the steady, editorially incisive and devoted support of my wife, Linda Harris. As always, I owe the greatest debt to her.

About the Author

    Peter Ross Range is a world-traveled journalist who has covered war, politics, and international affairs. A specialist on Germany, he has written extensively for Time, the New York Times, National Geographic, the London Sunday Times Magazine, Playboy, and U.S. News & World Report, where he was a national and White House correspondent. He has also been an Institute of Politics Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, a guest scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, and a Distinguished International Visiting Fellow at the University of North Carolina Journalism School. He lives in Washington, D.C.

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