1633:The Danish Scheme
second expedition to handle the refining and transportation of the metals.” Sir Thomas sat down to wait for more questions.
    From the back of the room, a voice rang out. “To the future of the Hudson’s Bay Company mines!” Steins were raised in a toast and quickly downed. The crowd surged toward the tables to sign the work contracts.
    The next day the sun was bright and the southerly breeze brought the temperatures up enough to start seriously melting the snowdrifts. Captain Foxe sent John Barrow to oversee the movement of the families’ personal effects to the  Köbenhavn  and the tools to the  Wilhelm  .
    John reported, “Everything’s moved and stowed, Captain. The captain of the ship they arrived on kept them in squalid conditions. The scoundrel should be flogged for treating women and children like that! And speaking of scoundrels, have you heard when we can expect to start loading our supplies? Time is getting short.”
    “My latest contact from Bundgaard is that we can expect the tools, weapons, and equipment later this week. He said nothing about the food stores. I’m beginning to worry on that score. The siege at Luebeck has already driven food prices up and rumors are rampant about future problems. Thank God we bought when we did.”
    John walked down the forecastle, muttering, “I hope you’re right, Captain, and the rumors I’ve heard are wrong. Otherwise that thieving bastard may ruin the whole expedition.”
    * * *
    The last patron had left the inn and Anna was in the kitchen, washing the last of the pots. Luke and Mette sat in front of the fireplace in the dining area staring at the flames. Luke's shirt was open and Mette was playfully tickling his gray hairs.
    "Mette, how can I concentrate if you keep distracting me?"
    "You need some distractions. Your problem with Bundgaard is wearing you down. You need to relax. If you don't, you might not make it to the wedding." Mette joked about it, but her concern was evident. "You've been so worried with the food problem, we still haven't figured out how to tell the children we're getting married. If we don't tell them soon, we may have the first surprise wedding in history."
    "I know!" Luke looked chagrined. "I just want to make sure that we do it the right way. Your late husband was a good father to them and I don't want that memory to be an obstacle. I've never had children and, quite frankly, it scares me more than a nor'easter. I'm afraid I'll disappoint them."
    "Nonsense. You're wonderful with them and they love you! I'm sure if you just relax it will come to you." Mette kissed him and then went to check on Anna.
    With the expedition's departure date rapidly approaching, Luke was overwhelmed with critical issues and just didn't seem to find a moment to solve the announcement problem. During the following week, small shipments of supplies continued to arrive, but no foodstuffs were included in the loads. Mette worked with him to review the supply lists. She discovered that he had overlooked many of the small, domestic items that the housewives would need. She pointed out that not only were these items needed, but they might also be good trading items with the natives. She asked Luke to come along with her went she went to buy them. It would give him a needed break and they could discuss the upcoming wedding without interruptions.
    * * *
    After the eighth stop, Luke wasn't sure how good an idea going shopping had been. He was in a daze and his feet hurt. Walking on cobblestone streets seemed worse than braving a heaving deck in a storm. As Mette dickered with a clerk for needles and pins, he started to daydream. Eventually his thoughts led to the one question still outstanding about the wedding, how to tell the children. As he stood there and pondered, the answer came. "Mette! I know how to tell the children!" Mette and the clerk looked at him as though he had lost his mind.
    "Just what do the children have to do with pins?" As soon as she said it,

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