
159474808X by Ian Doescher Page A

Book: 159474808X by Ian Doescher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Doescher
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thine eyes not see with vision clear?
We do not need to run—be not dismay’d.
I’ve brought the peace th’Republic so reveres.
Above the chancellor my pow’r doth rise.
Together, we shall rule the galaxy—
Aye, thou and I, my sweet. This thought abides:
What we desire, thus shall we make indeed.
What mine ears hear, my mind cannot believe:
Thy words have neither rhyme nor reason, nay.
Aye, Obi-Wan has it: thou art reliev’d
Of ev’ry sense, transform’d by thoughts insane.
I’d hear no more of Obi-Wan tonight.
The Jedi turn’d from me; do not the same.
Who is this who doth speak with tongue like knife?
I tell thee truly, I know not thy name.
Mine heart is broken by thine alteration;
This path thou follow’st is not mine to walk.
’Tis due to Obi-Wan I am forsaken?
’Tis that within thine heart thou hast unlock’d—
What thou hast done and further plann’st to do.
I prithee stop this now, and come thou back.
I love thee still.
    Enter O BI -W AN K ENOBI .

—Thou, liar, shalt die soon:
Thou didst bring him to kill me—’tis a fact!
[Vader begins to choke Padmé using the Force.
Release her, Anakin—indeed, at once!
[ aside: ] Forsooth, my vengeance should strike where ’tis due.
[Vader releases Padmé, who falls aside, unconscious.
[ To Obi-Wan: ] You turn’d my love, mine only love against me!
Thine actions sole are cause to that effect.
Forswear the chancellor, and be restor’d:
The rudder of thy ship may still be turn’d.
You shall not take her from me, wretched man—
She is my stay, mine anchor in the storm.
Thine anger is the wind that blows her hence;
Thy lust for pow’r the sail that steers her far.
Thou hast allow’d the villain Palpatine
To navigate the compass of thy soul,
To serve as captain of thine heart’s dark course.
Upon thy once-still waters hath he play’d,
Till thou art like to be the very thing
Thou’d once have fac’d a tempest to destroy.
Press not your even-keel’d advice on me.
The lies of your weak Jedi Order are
But troubl’d oceans that do swell and ebb,
Yet my ship is not sway’d upon their tides.
I do not fear to row toward the dark:
Now peaceful currents run because of me,
Now freedom doth resound upon the flow,
Now justice have I brought unto the deep,
Now quick security doth chart my way,
Now am I admiral to Empire new.
I am the monarch of the sea: a Sith.
An empire new—what chantey mad is this?
Do not make me destroy you, Obi-Wan.
My steadfast loyalty is to th’Republic,
Unto democracy mine hull is moor’d.
If you shall pilot by another path,
You sink and are become mine enemy.
None but a Sith would set his helm so straight,
As though beset by terrors all around.
A Jedi knoweth well the difference
Betwixt a proper pride and misled hubris.
A Jedi doth not deal in absolutes.
I shall do what I must to set thee right.
You shall attempt it, aye, but shall be wreck’d.
[Obi-Wan and Vader duel with lightsabers.
[ aside: ] Alas! What skill and strength the boy displays—
He doth advance and forces my retreat.
Still, one advantage doth remain to me:
’Twas I who taught him all that he doth know.
If not by saber, by mine hand you’ll die!
[Vader begins to choke Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan kicks him and is released.
[ aside: ] Alas, mayhap I did o’errate my strength,
For almost hath he vanquish’d me. Beware,
O’erhasty Obi-Wan, and take more care.
[ aside: ] As soon as I do strike him, he doth rise.
If my lightsaber shall not win the duel,
Mayhap my knowledge of the Force shall do’t.
Now come, thou Force of light, and be mine aid!
[They try to use the Force against each other, but both are flung back.
    Enter R UMOR above, on balcony.
The work of Rumor here is nearly done,
Intensely now the Jedi two do fight.
Such skill and prowess not to be outdone,
A battle twixt two equals: might

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