1 Target of Death

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Book: 1 Target of Death by Madison Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Johns
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here? It’s like he already knew that I couldn’t throw darts to save my own ass.
    I took my place and motioned in the air
with one before tossing it toward the dartboard. It hit the edge and then bounced
to the floor. Daniel roared in laughter.
    “Good try, but no cigar.”
    I whirled. “So, I can’t shoot darts. Sue
me.” I slammed the rest of the darts on a table and walked away.
    “Hey,” Daniel called after me. “You don’t
have to get all mad about it. We can play pool if you insist.”
    I froze when he said that and met him at
the pool table. I made the break, but purposely barely moved the pool balls.
    “You shoot like a sissy,” Daniel said with
a chuckle.
    I groaned inwardly, but I was holding my
best shots for later. He shot all of his pool balls into the appropriate
places, but missed on his try for the eighth ball. I smiled as I stared at the
table and began making my shots count, finishing by sinking the eight ball. I
took the pool stick back and shrugged. “Beginners luck. I guess we’ll have to
wait until the archery competition before I can prove who is the better
    He smiled at me with that smug look of his,
the one I so longed to slap from his face. A man with very short hair
approached and I smiled when Daniel greeted the man, “Cody, it’s good to see
    “Who’s the redhead?” he asked, like I
wasn’t listening.
    “Oh, her? That’s Louisiana Sassy. She’s misguided
enough to believe she can beat me in the archery competition.”
    I kept smiling at the deputy, trying with
everything in me not to slap Daniel. I refused to be baited by him. “Nice to
meet you, Cody,” I said. “Surely, you have better friends than Daniel here.”
    Cody smiled. “Why do you look so familiar?”
    Drat, he must have recognized me from when
I was questioned on my way into town. I glanced at Daniel and playfully tossed
back my hair. “Perhaps we should take a table. We could have more privacy that
    He smiled. “I like the sounds of that.” He
motioned me ahead of him and I found a booth along the way. As I slid across
the cool smooth seat, Daniel hovered nearby, but when Cody sat, he shot Daniel
the look that meant ‘get lost buddy, can’t you see I might get lucky here.’”
    A waitress glided over and brought two shot
glasses with a clear liquid in them. I ran a finger along the rim of mine. “You
must be a regular here.”
    He stretched an arm across the top of his
seat. I couldn’t help but notice his muscular physique. “You could say that,
and you were about to tell me why you look familiar to me.”
    “Was I?”
    From the corner of my eye, I saw Dixie stride
up. She pushed her way next to Cody, who didn’t seem to mind as he said, “I
sure like where this is going.”
    Dixie shot a glance at the shot glasses.
“What are we drinking?”
    “Tequila,” Cody said.
    “Oh, that’s not good. Sassy over there gets
wild when she drinks tequila.”
    I slid my glass toward Dixie, but Cody gave
me his glass. “Drink up, girls.”
    There was something about this Cody that
unnerved me. Did Margarita have it right? Was this Cody actually a deputy? If
he was, he was sure taking a big risk to place himself in such an awkward
situation, but I realized that he might just play into my hands perfectly.
    “Actually, Dixie and I went into a ditch
just outside of town and were questioned by the police, but I don’t remember
seeing you there.”
    “That must be it, then. I was holding back.
The sheriff never allows me to question potential witnesses.”
    “Oh, so you work for the sheriff’s
    “As in deputy?” Dixie asked with a drawl.
    “Yup. I sure love that accent you girls
    “Has the sheriff figured out who killed
that poor man in the woods?”
    He stiffened, and then said, “I suppose you
girls know I can’t tell you anything about that. I mean, I’m sure you saw that
on an episode of Law and Order SVU.”
    “Oh, is there a sex

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